Sunday, June 30, 2013

Game Concept

After much deliberation, I've finally decided on a game to create. My requirements were pretty varied, so I wanted to make sure I thought everything out before starting to code. The concept is simple: you have a ball, you have a hilly landscape. When the game starts, your ball begins rolling down the hill. The user interaction is also simple: tapping the screen (or clicking a mouse) will cause the ground and sky to flip, leaving the ball where it is. This will have the effect of causing what was an uphill slope to become downhill again.

This, combined with momentum, will allow the player to constantly keep the ball moving, perhaps even jump the ball to collect certain kinds of items. Plus, I just thought the idea was neat. (Before anyone asks, yes, this was partly inspired by Mechanic #001: Negative Space over at the Three Hundred blog.)

I felt that creating a simple 2d physics engine that could do the kinds of calculations this game requires would be both complex enough to satisfy my professor's desire that this be a non-trivial piece of programming and easy enough to get done with whatever time I can muster up in the next 6 months. (Although, there is a bit of concern on the part of some of my coworkers that even this is too ambitious.) A physics engine would also give me about a billion things to write Code Contracts for; my Vector2 implementation already has 81 pre and post conditions that are verified on build and so far that class has only very minor functionality (overloaded ==, !=, *, length (magnitude) and some convenience methods for getting the vector as a 2 element array).

The other reason why this appeals to me is that I will have the opportunity to write the first and (as far as I can tell) only Code Contract verified physics engine for C#, talk about a resume enhancer!

I've gotten the first bits on CodePlex, check out the project here. I would say feel free to contribute, but I probably won't be accepting pull requests until after I've been graded (for reasons that should be fairly obvious).

Side note: setting up VS2012 with Git and hooking this all up to CodePlex was a dream. I don't know if it was simply that I've learned much about source control tools in my experience with Google Code and Mercurial, or if it's just really easy with VS2012, but I had none of the problems I was expecting. I can see why people use CodePlex with Visual Studio projects.